Award Announcement and Special Acknowledgements of 11th International Workshop on the Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in the Laboratory and in Space (IPELS).
We are delighted to announce that the best student paper for the 2011 IPELS meeting has been decided, we have selected Ms. Auna Moser from Caltech. Her presentation was titled “Experimental Observation of Instability Cascade from MHD to Ion Skin Depth Scale Resulting in Magnetic Reconnection”. The 2011 IPELS meeting was successfully held from the evening of July 10 to the end of July 15, 2011 at The Westin Resort & Spa in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. As a 20-year old tradition, we aim to bring together active members of the laboratory, space and astrophysics plasma physics communities from around the world, and to foster intellectual interaction and scientific collaboration addressing the processes responsible for various common plasma phenomena.
We sincerely thank all attendees for their efforts to come bringing exciting scientific results to make this meeting successful. We thank the Scientific Organizing Committee and the International Steering Committee for their guidance, advice, and hard work for the excellent scientific programs. We also thank the conference coordinator, Ms. Carol Austin, for her tireless efforts to make this meeting as perfect as possible. Special thanks also go to the onsite conference assistance by Ms. Kathleen Lukazik, the chief negotiator of the conference contract by Ms. Lynda Lauria, website support by Mr. Kenny Silber, budgetary assistance by Ms. Olga Tishinin and Ms. Jackie Pursell of PPPL, and Ms. Susan Duncan of Princeton University’s Astrophysical Sciences. Lastly, we thank the PPPL management for their support especially during the contracting process. |
This meeting is supported by U.S. DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, NSF Physics and Astronomy Divisions, and NASA Heliophysics Division, and also in part by the JSPS Core-to-Core Program on CMSO.
The meeting consisted of both oral sessions (consisting of tutorial and invited talks) and poster sessions, featured by the following invited speakers:
Amitava Bhattacharjee (U. New Hampshire)
Robert Bingham (RAL, U. Strathclyde)
Troy Carter (UCLA)
Li-Jen Chen (U. New Hampshire)
William Daughton (Los Alamos)
Seth Dorfman (PPPL)
James Drake (U. Maryland)
Jan Egedal (MIT)
Cary Forest (U. Wisconsin)
Water Gekelman (UCLA)
Melvyn Goldstein (NASA GSFC)
Tim Gray (Smarthmore)
Olaf Grulke (MPI, Greiswald)
Donald Gurnett (U. Iowa)
Ritoku Horiuchi (NIFS, Japan)
Masahiro Hoshino (U. Tokyo)
John Kirk (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik)
Craig Kletzing (U. Iowa)
Mark Koepke (West Virginia U. and U.S. DoE)
Harald Kucharek (U. New Hampshire)
Hui Li (Los Alamos)
Kristina Lynch (Dartmouth)
Richard Marchand (U. Alberta)
George Morales (UCLA)
Forrest Mozer (UC Berkeley)
Chris Niemann (UCLA)
Marit Oieroset (UC Berkeley)
Yasushi Ono (U. Tokyo)
Jean-Francois Pinton (ENS, Lyon)
Ralph Pudritz (McMaster U.)
John Raymond (Harvard)
Scott Robertson (U. Colorado)
Peter Schuck (NASA GSFC)
Toshifumi Shimizu (JAXA)
Fred Skiff (U. Iowa)
Reiner Stenzel (UCLA)
James Stone (Princeton U.)
Richard Sydora (U. Alberta)
Ed Thomas (Auburn U.)
Masaaki Yamada (PPPL)
Ellen Zweibel (U. Wisconsin)
The 12th IPELS meeting will be held in Japan by Prof. Yasushi Ono from University of Tokyo.
See you in 2013 in Japan.
Hantao Ji (hji@pppl.gov)
Tai Phan (phan@ssl.berkeley.edu)
Ellen Zweibel (zweibel@astro.wisc.edu)
Conference Organizers
Carol Ann Austin (caustin@pppl.gov)
Conference Coordinator
Past IPELS meetings:
10th IPELS (by Lars Blomberg at Djurönäset, Sweden, June 2009)
9th IPELS (by Rod Boswell at Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, August 2007)
8th IPELS (by Åshild Fredriksen at Tromsø, Norway, July 2005)
7th IPELS (by Craig Kletzing and Stewart Prager at Whitefish, Montna, USA, June 2003)
6th IPELS (by Tetsuya Sato at Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, July 2001)
5th IPELS (by Gerhardt Haerendal at Kreuth, Germany, August 1999)
4th IPELS (by Walter Gekelman at Maui, Hawaii, USA, June 1997)
3rd IPELS (by Mark Koepke and Masaaki Yamada at Pitlochry, Scotland, 1995)
2nd IPELS (by Nat Rynn, Mark Koepke, Robert Merlino, and Masaaki Yamada at Banff, Canada, 1993)
1st IPELS (by Gerhardt Haerdendal and Nat Rynn at Albach, Austria, 1991)